Monthly Archives: December 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

It is my goal in the new year to eat with purpose for my wellbeing, for the glory of the LORD.  I want to be more healthy and more able to serve the LORD Jesus Christ in 2012 than in 2011.
Health does not happen accidentally.  I will take captive every thought, even food thoughts, and eat with the purpose to support and build good health.
I will treat my body as the property of the LORD, acknowledging that this body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and as such, I need to eat right, sleep right and in all ways take care of myself.
Make 2012 the best year yet!
Grow in the LORD and His grace, through personal Bible reading and worship.
If I can help you to reach your goals, please let me know.
Happy New Year!
God bless you,

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Day 520!!!!!!

Today is Day 520!!!!! I am praising God for the strength and creativity with which HE has blessed me for this journey!

By God’s grace and the encouragement of friends, I have been totally off sugar and processed foods for 1 year, 155 days or 520 days!!!

I will not look back with longing toward the old ways, like the children of Israel longed for Egypt.   I will not “return” like the dog to his vomit or the hog to his wallow.  I will not let my tongue, which was addicted to sugar and processed foods, rule my life and harm my body.  (1 Tablespoon of sugar suppresses the immune system up to 90% for up to 2 hours!)

For too many years, I served the LORD in my soul and spirit, but my body was too frail to get up and go.  Pain controlled me and limited my activities.  I can go now and God has opened many doors of ministry.  I am obeying His call and walking through those doors in the Name of the LORD Jesus Christ. I will continue to press on toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ.

My goal for 2012 is to be stronger and healthier for the glory of the LORD Jesus Christ, that I may serve Him with BODY, soul and spirit.

And FYI – I love the way I eat now.  I do NOT feel deprived.  I do NOT long for the bad foods I see others eat.  I enjoy the good foods I eat without fear or worry about what it will do to my health.  God gave us real food.  Man processed it and perverted it.  Just as God changed my heart when He saved me, He has changed my tastebuds and given me new joy in the foods I eat.  I am so thankful that He opened my eyes to His Truth about health and food.  I am thankful that I CAN enjoy treats and food without damaging this body, which is the Temple of the Holy Spirit!

There are many helps on this blog, but if you want to contact me for more help, please do so at

God bless you!



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